Sunday 15 July 2012

Ministry of Labour and Human Resource Development

Press Release

10th July 2012

MLHRD holds second Job Fair on Praslin

The Ministry of Labour and Human Resource Development has organized its second ‘Job Fair’, on Friday 6th July 2012, this time on Praslin Island. The fair was held on the basketball court outside the Baie Ste Anne Community centre.

The fair saw the participation of some eighteen organizations displaying over one hundred vacancies available on the island. Vacancies range from hotel positions to Police Officers and SCAA Security to Cabin Crews.

The Minister of Labour and Human Resource Development, Idith Alexander along with high level officials of the ministry visited the ‘Job Fair’ and interacted with the employers and jobseekers present.

“The aim of the Job Fairs is for our ministry to remain connected with the employers and also facilitate job seekers from the island who are in search of employment…..our youth and students who are future job seekers to know the job market demand to make well informed choices when choosing a career at the end of their studies…” said Minister Alexander.

 It is to be noted that some organizations expressed disappointment in the number of visitors who have shown interest to apply for the available vacancies. Their concern were over the number of unemployed Praslinois versus vacancies, but yet minimum application and interest were observed in the Job Fair.

At close of the fair, some one hundred and fifty one applications had been filled for the different available positions.

After visiting the job fair on Praslin, the Minister conducted her first visit to the Ministry’s outstation office on La Digue to meet with staff.    She then proceeded to conduct a familiarisation visit at the Domaine de L’Orangerie, an activity featuring high on her agenda to consolidate good partnership with the private sector. 

The visits to workplaces also allow the Minister to meet with the workers in their work environment and hear firsthand of their concerns.  After the tour the Minister met with the General Manager and his management team.  Amongst issues discussed were training plan for succession purposes, working hours, internal dispute resolution procedure.   

The General Manager has agreed to action on issues requiring immediate attention.  The Ministry will follow-up closely with the hotel until all have been resolved.  The Ministry has also committed to work closely with the Human Resources Manager to put in place and improve on procedures for better industrial relations.

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