Friday 20 July 2012




It was through a special ceremony held at State House this afternoon that President James Michel handed over the Seychelles National flag to Mr. Dominic Dugasse, flag bearer for the Seychelles team participating in the 2012 Olympics games planned to take place in London between 27th July and 12th August 2012.
Five athletes will be taking part in different disciplines during this Olympics games. President Michel was presented with a gift from the athletes; a kit that they will be using during the Olympic including the Seychelles official tracksuit.
During the ceremony, President Michel personally presented Ms. Lissa Labiche with a special token of appreciation to reward her for the remarkable efforts and great achievements that brought great pride to the Seychelles. Ms. Labiche is the newly crowned African Champion for high jump establishing a new Seychelles National record at the Benin Senior African Championship. Following that, she established another new record at the 14th Edition of the IAAF Junior Championship held in Barcelona, Spain.
The ceremony was also attended by the Vice President, Mr. Danny Faure, Minister for Social Affairs, Community Development and Sport, Mr. Vincent Meriton, President for Seychelles Olympic and Commonwealth Games Association (SOCGA), Mr. Antonio Gopal, Secretary General for Seychelles Olympic and Commonwealth Games Association (SOCGA), Mr. Alain Alcindor, Principal Secretaries and other distinguished guests.

The President wishes all athletes good luck and success on behalf of the Government and the people of Seychelles.

Editors note:
  • The Seychelles Team comprises of Ms. Lissa Labiche – Athletics, Mr. Jean-Yves Esparon – Athletics, Mr. Aurelie Fanchette – Swimming, Mr. Shane Mangroo- Swimming, Mr. Dominic Dugasse – Judo





It was through a special ceremony held at State House this afternoon that President James Michel handed over the Seychelles National flag to Mr. Dominic Dugasse, flag bearer for the Seychelles team participating in the 2012 Olympics games planned to take place in London between 27th July and 12th August 2012.
Five athletes will be taking part in different disciplines during this Olympics games. President Michel was presented with a gift from the athletes; a kit that they will be using during the Olympic including the Seychelles official tracksuit.
During the ceremony, President Michel personally presented Ms. Lissa Labiche with a special token of appreciation to reward her for the remarkable efforts and great achievements that brought great pride to the Seychelles. Ms. Labiche is the newly crowned African Champion for high jump establishing a new Seychelles National record at the Benin Senior African Championship. Following that, she established another new record at the 14th Edition of the IAAF Junior Championship held in Barcelona, Spain.
The ceremony was also attended by the Vice President, Mr. Danny Faure, Minister for Social Affairs, Community Development and Sport, Mr. Vincent Meriton, President for Seychelles Olympic and Commonwealth Games Association (SOCGA), Mr. Antonio Gopal, Secretary General for Seychelles Olympic and Commonwealth Games Association (SOCGA), Mr. Alain Alcindor, Principal Secretaries and other distinguished guests.

The President wishes all athletes good luck and success on behalf of the Government and the people of Seychelles.

Editors note:
  • The Seychelles Team comprises of Ms. Lissa Labiche – Athletics, Mr. Jean-Yves Esparon – Athletics, Mr. Aurelie Fanchette – Swimming, Mr. Shane Mangroo- Swimming, Mr. Dominic Dugasse – Judo





It was through a special ceremony held at State House this afternoon that President James Michel handed over the Seychelles National flag to Mr. Dominic Dugasse, flag bearer for the Seychelles team participating in the 2012 Olympics games planned to take place in London between 27th July and 12th August 2012.
Five athletes will be taking part in different disciplines during this Olympics games. President Michel was presented with a gift from the athletes; a kit that they will be using during the Olympic including the Seychelles official tracksuit.
During the ceremony, President Michel personally presented Ms. Lissa Labiche with a special token of appreciation to reward her for the remarkable efforts and great achievements that brought great pride to the Seychelles. Ms. Labiche is the newly crowned African Champion for high jump establishing a new Seychelles National record at the Benin Senior African Championship. Following that, she established another new record at the 14th Edition of the IAAF Junior Championship held in Barcelona, Spain.
The ceremony was also attended by the Vice President, Mr. Danny Faure, Minister for Social Affairs, Community Development and Sport, Mr. Vincent Meriton, President for Seychelles Olympic and Commonwealth Games Association (SOCGA), Mr. Antonio Gopal, Secretary General for Seychelles Olympic and Commonwealth Games Association (SOCGA), Mr. Alain Alcindor, Principal Secretaries and other distinguished guests.

The President wishes all athletes good luck and success on behalf of the Government and the people of Seychelles.

Editors note:
  • The Seychelles Team comprises of Ms. Lissa Labiche – Athletics, Mr. Jean-Yves Esparon – Athletics, Mr. Aurelie Fanchette – Swimming, Mr. Shane Mangroo- Swimming, Mr. Dominic Dugasse – Judo


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En kandida ki pou defann Anse aux Pins

Meggie Marie in komans montre zabitan Anse aux Pins ki son disan demantibilizater i la. Set en garson ki’n ne dan en fanmiy SPUP e in grandi pour war son paran e bokou veteran ki i frekante fer politik, alor in konn defann son lekor kan SNP Gervais Henrie ti krwar in vin tou pour met li dan en kwen. Son premye zour, deza zot in oule atak li. Msye Marie i konnen ki son latas se fer sir ki bastyon SPUP i ganny proteze e prezerve.
I annan sipor son manman, en madanm ki dir ki sa Parti in dan zot lavenn depi komansman, e tou zabitan in konn Meggy koman en dimoun ki’n debrouye dan Parti, dan Anse aux Pins pour donn koudmen kit sa laflanm alimen. I popiler ek veteran akoz i en zonm ki kontan ekoute, i obeisan e poli. I frekant bokou zenn akoz i aktiv, kontan partisipe, sirtou lanmizik se son domenn prefere, in en ansennyan pour 18 an e bokou etidyan in pas dan son lanmen, e i en gran farser. Wi, dan politik Parti Lepep nou bezwen bann zanfan nou Parti ki’n ne dan sa Parti e ki’n grandi pour defann e kontribye dan sa Parti. Parti Lepep i bezwen pa zis en bon kozer me enn ki annan limour, e konn fer fars. Ou konnen sa kalite, mon pou dir ou, sirtou ek sa bann kalite zans ki nou annan lopozisyon ki visye e kontan gognard lezot.
Meggy Marie set en Katolik, ki’n konplet son ledikasyon de baz Anse aux Pins. I’n al NYS e Politeknik.  I’n plitar fer son letid pour vin en ansennyan e i posed en Degre dan Lansennyman. Son spesyalizasyon i dan ‘Automotive Mechanic’ e zis parey i kapab demonte e remont en transpor, i osi konnen ki defi ki Anse aux Pins pe fer fas avek, e ki solisyon pour problenm dimoun. I’n pas tou son lavi adilt pe ekout dimoun. I’n toultan figir lo lalis pour vin MNA me la in arive. Gouvernay i dan son lanmen in pare pour aranze e fer bouze Anse aux Pins.
I’n target plizyer domenn, par egzanp i enn sa zabitan ki war L’Ile Soleil in tro la, in vin landrwa pour pye sed ek zwazo. Meggy Marie i oule war zenn antreprener Anse aux Pins ganny menm sans parey bann ki’n etabli lo serten landrwa konble tel ki Providans, Ile Eve Praslin e Perseverans ki pe bouze. I konnen ki en kantite dimoun, enkli zabitan Pointe Larue pe frekant Klinik me ki sa klinik pa neseserman enn nef. I’n ler pour donn li en lot limaz oswa donn sa landrwa en klinik ki azour ek lavi dan Sesel. I pe ‘look forward’ pour war Legliz konplete  e in fer remarke ki Pret Laparwas pe fer en bon travay pour donn distrik pa en Legliz me en ‘Bazilik’. Parey nou’n dir set en dimoun farser me ki lekspektasyon i o dan son travay. I oule ki Ladministrasyon Distrik i donn koudmen delivre pour fer zabitan apresye ki tou lotorite distrik i annan zot aker.
Malgre la tou dimoun i oule vin koz pour Anse aux Pins se selman Meggy Marie ki’n santi e viv soufrans e moman lazwa sa distrik ek son zabitan. Menm bann pti group lopozisyon dan sa distrik i konn Meggy e zot annan respe pour li. Meggy pou tenir bastyon nou Parti e in pran larelev pour ARANZE E FER BOUZE ANSE AUX  PINS.

Bondye in kree ou pour zetwal

Sa ti enn bann reaksyon madanm Cecile Marie koni koman Yvette manman nouvo kandida Anse aux Pins, Meggy Marie. I dir ki toultan son garson in en non ki’n monte dan bi pour vin MNA e wi lasans dan lepase pa ti pour li me la in ariv son tour. “Sa ki pour ou pou toultan pour ou. Sanmenm sa ki nou dir Bondye in kree ou pour zetwal”, Madanm Marie ti dir ‘The People’.
Set en madanm byen zantiy, en madanm ki posed sa kalite ki wi nou dir limenm ki’n fer grandi sa bon garson ki ozordi pe debout dan eleksyon pour koz lo non zabitan Anse aux Pins. “Meggy ek son bann frer, zot in grandi byen e touzour reste lwayal ek Parti. Zanmen mon’n ganny okenn problenm ek Meggy. I’n toultan obeisan e menm si pa mwan i toultan pe koz avek vye dimoun. I kontan ekoute e pran konsey. I pa en dimoun ki pran lakoler e set en garson ki entelizan e kontan travay”, madanm Marie ti dir.
Sa madanm ki ti grandi Anse Boileau ti marye e vin Anse aux Pins kot in etabli pour 45 an ek son defen msye Andrea Marie. Malere, papa Meggy pa pou la pour temwanny e konsey son garson dan sa parkour ki menm si pa nouvo, me kanmenm en defi pour nenport ki imen. Msye Andrea Marie li osi ti en veteran SPUP, en militan ki’n ne pour viv lalit ki fondater SPUP Msye France Albert Rene ti komanse Anse aux Pins. Sa lalit pe kontinyen atraver dirizan James Michel e garson defen Andrea in ganny loner pour donn en koudmen. Ler nou kalkile, pa sipoze annan lapliferans me dan plan devlopman gouvernman, Anse aux Pins ti merit ganny serten pti privilez. Anse aux Pins i reprezant komansman, kot larout ti trase, o nivo distrik pour ki SPUP in viv ki ozordi Parti Lepep in reisi la. En kantite dimoun merit dir mersi sa Parti pour zot lavi ki zot pe viv. I annan ki pa vir deryer pour get son pase e apresye. I annan ki onte i ti mizer akoz in tro ris, alor zot pa kapab siport Parti Lepep. Me la zot annan pour get Meggy. Get li koman sa dimoun ki reprezant zot pase, e zot lavenir. Se li zot eritye e ki pou garanti zot legzistans. 


Msye Meggy Sodie Marie, aze 41 an in ne e grandi Anse aux Pins. I sorti dan en fanmiy kat zanfan, i annan trwa frer e li trwazyenm zanfan. Son paran, Madanm Cecile Marie (koni koman Yvette) i en manm veteran e son papa ti mor dezan pase, Andrea Marie. Par profesyon son papa ti en mason.
Son trwa frer; Leslie Marie ki travay SBC, Pascal Marie (self-employed) e Francis Marie ki en Teknisyen Laboratwar. Tou son fanmiy i siport Parti antouka son paran ti bann militan SPUP.
Msye Marie, en Katolik, in lekol Anse aux Pins depi Lakres ziska P9 apre sa in fer 2an NYS e 2an Politeknik. Swivan sa in fer 3an ‘teachers training’ e al 6 mwan Zapon pour en kors dan ‘Automotive Mechanic’. I annan en Degre dan Ledikasyon ki son pli o kalifikasyon e depi 1994 ziska la i pe travay koman en ansenyan SIT.

Son pase ek Parti

Depi dan laklas 3yenm (primer) i ti zwenn ‘Young Pioneers’ e dan klas 6yenm i ti form parti ‘Brass Band Young Pioneers’. Apre sa in zwenn Lig Lazenes SPPF (Youth League) e osi form parti Brass Band Youth League. Answit in vin Tyermenn Lazenes Anse aux Pins e son lentere dan lanmizik ti fer li form en benn ki ti apel ‘Kiosk’, e zot ti kontan zwe dan bann rali. I’n Tyermenn Lazenes ziska ler Joseph Francois ti vin MNA savedir 7an pase i ti sorti Tyermenn.
Lo nivo nasyonal i ti ansarz Latroup Nasyonal Lazenes Sesel. E dan distrik depi in sorti Tyermenn Lazenes i responsab zon ‘Berlen’ ziska la.
I donn tou son letan dan kanpanny. I partisip dan travay volonter. I en manm PTA (Parents Teachers Association). Msye Marie i en dimoun ki tre popiler Anse aux Pins parmi lazenes e veteran, e toultan aktiv. Kan i pa pe fer travay Parti oswa zwe lanmizik, i kontan reste se li.
Lo kote lanmizik i ‘multi-skilled’ i kapab zwe tou lenstriman enkli mandolin e i ti aprann zwe lanmizik avek en veteran Parti.
I pe reste Green Estate depi 2an. I pankor marye me pe reste ek son partner e zot annan en pti garson 6an.